
2019-12-17   来源:读书随笔


  中学教师英文读书随笔【第一篇】:Reading notes of junior high school teachers

  When books are used, they hate little。 Xue Ji said, "it is a solid teaching, and then a knowledge of difficulties, and then a lack of knowledge。" For our teachers, there are too many things to learn, and I know too little。 Some people say that teachers should have a bucket of water to teach students a glass of water。 There is a reason for this, but when a bucket of water is no longer added, it is also useful。 I think that teachers should not only have a bucket of water, but also have "tap water" and "long running water"。 "Ask where the canal is clear。" Therefore, in teaching, books are silent teachers, and reading is the greatest pleasure in my teaching。

  Knowledge is more important than knowledge, and there are ways to succeed。 Today"s teachers" learning is not to memorize a lot of knowledge, but to master the way to learn - knowing why to learn。 Where do you learn from? How do you learn? If a teacher does not master the method of study, even if he teaches the door homework very well, he is still a failure learner。 Parents often listen to their parents saying, "my children only listen to their teachers, and their teachers are more intelligent than the imperial edicts。 When they return home, they will not listen to anyone。" As a result, as a teacher, I think of the nature of the students, this is a pure and beautiful psychological quality, we should be used and developed as a teacher。 Especially after learning the educational theory of Mr。 Wei Shusheng, I also used to imitate the "rules" in the class: when teachers or students have made mistakes in the course of teaching and learning, I have to perform a program on the spot。 I did not expect that this measure made me gain the prestige that I could not think of。 In the course of teaching, I deliberately or inadvertently made the mistake, and the students will point out to me in time。 I also consciously "obey the rules" and sing a song for the students every time。 Such "punishment" has won the favor of the students, not only the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, but also the class atmosphere is very active。

  Perhaps, this is the embodiment of the democracy of education, in the eyes of students, teachers can be equal to them, their psychology is also a balance, such teachers can be most respected by the students。 The students are willing to come close to me, often tell me the words, tell me the trouble, tell me the difficulties, every time I express their gratitude and respect to me, my feelings are indescribable, I always feel a deep value of my own。 It is not a taboo to say that this sublime is the greatest gain I have gained in reading projects, and it is a concrete manifestation of my continuous learning and continuous improvement。 Individual learning in a learning society is like walking into a cafeteria。 What you want to eat is completely free。 Individuals can choose and decide what to learn, how to learn and how to learn, according to their actual needs。

  More important than the method is the direction。 In the tide of knowledge economy, as a people"s teacher, we should recognize our own life coordinates and find our own value space。 Confucius, an ancient educator of ancient times, was happy with "teaching and learning" and "indefatigable teaching"。 At last, his "benevolent" thought was passed on。 Meng Zi taught by students in accordance with their aptitude, with the principle of "teachers do not have to virtuous their disciples, their disciples should not be inferior to teachers", and finally became a great university。 Xunzi advocated the idea of "green, blue and blue" as the idea。 For use and perseverance, the great teaching theory of Amy is more content and foresight; and Tao Xingzhi, Zhu Yongxin, Li Zhenxi, Wei Shusheng, and so on。 These educationists, their research and discovery in the education work, have given them the greatest success and happiness, which is the fruit of their approaching students。 After reading these theoretical works, my heart is more thorough, because I draw more confidently to my students, and let me study my students more consciously, to find out the advantages of them, to find a bridge to communicate and communicate with the students, to open the pure mind of the students and to study the students。 The sparks of raw wisdom are lit。 Especially in the classroom, I often do the same thing with students, and even take the lead in being an example。 For example, my demonstrative reading, my affectionate hydrology, won the warm applause of the students, and drew the distance between me and the students in the classroom。 Let students live in joy and learn in happiness。 This is the biggest pursuit of my life from teaching。

  More important than direction is attitude。 Perseverance is more important than attitude。 "The northwest wind of the southeast of the Ren, it is not easy to bite the green hills。" One day love reading is easy, lifelong love reading is not easy。 Anyone can make dreams come true, but first of all, you must have the belief that you can achieve this dream。 Faith has perseverance and perseverance can succeed。 One educator has said that the law of a teacher is, in a nutshell, that if you stop growing today, you will stop teaching tomorrow。 As a teacher, he must be a learner。 "To be a lifelong teacher" must "learn to be a teacher all his life"。 Only by becoming a student again can teachers keep pace with the times and constantly observe and guide the whole educational process with a brand-new vision。 So that the majority of teachers firmly establish the concept of lifelong learning, and creatively carry out teaching and educating people。

  Regular reading makes me understand a lot of new principles: teaching is no longer a simple process of instillation and transplantation。 It should be the subject of learning (students) and the main body of Education (teachers, including the environment "environment" system。 Students will no longer be a container of knowledge, but a learner of autonomous knowledge。 In the face of the increasingly shortened period of knowledge renewal, teachers must completely change the old ideas of storing and imparting the knowledge of teachers to the students as "a bucket of water" and "a cup of water"。 To accumulate and learn。 A teacher does not depend on how many books he has read and how many years he has taught, but how many books he has read and how many books he has taught。 The effect of teaching by heart, creativity and repetition is very different。

  For more than 20 years, I have always combined reading and teaching, innovating teaching, innovating reading, innovating and innovating in use。 I have published many papers in newspapers and periodicals at county level and above in the curriculum reform newsletter and primary school Chinese composition。 I contacted the reality of teaching reform, and I won many papers such as "the advantages of composition review", "paper cutting and language teaching", "the beauty of classroom evaluation" and so on。 Teaching and reading life make me feel the true meaning of life: Teachers" life should have the spirit of innovation。 Annual spring grass green, annual grass is different。 We need to be an innovative teacher representing the direction of advanced culture。 He not only has the spirit of selfless dedication, honesty and integrity, the overall development of the teacher outlook, teaching and educating the teacher, the strict and realistic style of teacher, but also should have the enterprising spirit, the vigorous vigor, the courage to struggle, the willing dedication of "silly" Qi, and the strength of self strength。 In order to cultivate the talent of the new century and rejuvenate the Chinese nation, we still live in poverty, but still with the spirit of the spring silkworm, the style of the red candle, the style of the bee, the character of the green leaf and the ambition of the young cattle。

  中学教师英文读书随笔【第二篇】:《The Giver》读后感



  给Asher分配工作时,长老的颁奖词是,Asher小时候因为说不清楚 snack和smack被鞭打了无数次,最后被打得不敢说话了,从此谨小慎微,规规矩矩的了。如果你因为口齿不清楚,被鞭打,从此不敢说话,你快乐吗? 看似和谐幸福的community,是不是牺牲了个人的自由?

  当所有人都分到了自己喜欢的工作时,唯有一人没有分配到工作。他就是 Jonas。Jonas被跳过了。他没有被安排工作。他觉得无地自容。最后长老发话了,最重要的工作被放在最后安排。Jonas的工作是community里最重要的工作——记忆的传承者。所有人都被删除了记忆,只有记忆传承人才能拥有人们的记忆。从此每天Jonas都会从the giver 那里得到人们的一些记忆。当他知道,人们选择更健康的婴儿留下来,杀死发育缓慢的婴儿,人变得太老了,就被安乐死了这些残酷的记忆和实事时,他开始憎恨自己的社区。他和the giver一起想要把人们的记忆还给人们,让他们不要用无知麻痹自己。Jonas选择逃离community不再回community。他逃走时,带走了即将被处死的一个孩子。他们日夜兼程的逃亡,终于逃出了community,来到他在记忆中见到过的雪山。小说结尾没有说明Jonas的出走,是否唤醒了community里的人们。但是Jonas的出走能唤醒读小说的读者。

  这是一本精彩的小说,把“理想的生活”淋漓尽致刻画给你看。当你看的真切时,才发现 “理想的”并一定是“美好的”。
























  建构主义学习理论把创设情境看做是意义建构的必要前提。在小学英语教学中,教师可利用多媒体和其他直观教学手段,创设有利于学习者建构意义的情景,加强对句型的感知与理解。例如,为了教学生行为动词一般现在时态的一般疑问句式及其肯定和否定回答方式,一位教师在教室前的黑板上方悬挂了一个气球,邀请一个男生和一个女生进行触摸气球的竞赛,并发出jump high and touch the balloon的指令。男生跳得高,碰到了气球;女生则没有触摸到气球。这时,教师很自然地指着男生问其他学生:does he iump high 学生回答:yes,he does,再指着女生问:does she jump high 教师得到的回答自然是no,she doesnt,这样。学生就在这个真实的情景中自然地理解了该句型的意义。


  在小学英语教学中,教师要充分挖掘教材,把学生原有的知识、经验作为获取新知识的基础,通过提示新、旧句型之间的联系,帮助学生建构当前所学句型的意义。例如,在教学《牛津小学英语2b》(译林版,下同)第三单元what can you see 时,有一位教师首先与学生进行已经学过的can you 会话,然后通过多媒体出示一个停车场的夜景图。随着一束模拟探照灯的光束移向不同的车辆,教师逐个说:a car。i can see a car。a bus。ican see a bus。a jeep。i can see然后,将光束聚焦在一辆小汽车上,问学生:what can you see 引导学生答:ican see a car。这种从旧知引人人手,通过铺垫性操练,引导学生自然地感知并理解新句型,学生会学得轻松、活泼。



  《牛津小学英语》教材的编写采用循环式编排方式。以时间表达的句型为例,这套教材在3b、4a、5b的教材中先后三次在相关单元安排了时间表达的不同句型,体现了循序渐进、逐步扩展、综合复现的原则。有一位教师在教学5b第七单元a busy day时安排了4个教学步骤:1 教师出示教具钟。t:whats the time (旧知)s1:its three oclock,(旧知)2 教师将时间拨到3:30。t:what time is it (新知)s2:its three thirty,(旧知)3 学习新句型后,教师让学生向教师提问。s3:what time is it (刚学的新知)t:ns halfpast three,(新知)4 教师出示新旧句型,让学生读一读,比一比,想一想,说一说。



  建构主义学习理论认为,理想的学习环境应当包括情境、协作、交流和意义建构四个部分。其中,协作应该贯穿于整个学习活动过程中。在这个过程中。每个学习者的想法都为整个学习群体所共享。交流是协作过程中最基本的方式,而真实交流的活动又是学习环境的重要的特征。有一位教师在教学5b第五单元时,在句型教学的最后环节设计了认识新朋友的任务。教师出示朋友tom的照片,要求学生分组讨论如何利用所学的新句型does he 来了解tom的情况,并把问题记录下来,派代表向老师提问,以获取tom的相关信息。交流时,学生纷纷发言:does he live in london does he studychinese,9 does hertln fast,9 does he swim well 在这个存在信息差的交际任务中,学生相互协作,通过交流建构起了有关tom的信息资料,既熟练巩固了所学句型,又在真实的交际活动中获得了成功的喜悦感,增添了学习信心和兴趣。























